India Chapter of ACI would like to inform you all that the ACI’s most prestigious “Chapter Activities Award” for the year 2023 is announced by ACI USA to our Past President, Dr. Raghuvir Salkar.

This honor was bestowed by the ACI Board of Direction specifically “for his outstanding contribution to the promotion and development of the ACI India Chapter and for furthering the goals of ACI in India; for his sound administration of the Chapter, enabling it to scale greater heights during the recent global pandemic; and for his leadership role in engaging with the concrete fraternity, particularly Student Chapters, through the launch of novel activities despite pandemic lockdowns, significantly enhancing the reputation, standing, and growth of the ACI India Chapter both nationally and internationally””.

The announcement of the selection of “Chapter Activities Award” will be made during the ACI Spring 2024 Concrete Convention. The Convention will take place on March 24-28, 2024, at The Hyatt Regency New Orleans, USA.