This year again India Chapter of American Concrete Institute has been bestowed with the ‘Excellent Chapter’ Citation for the Year 2024. India Chapter is one of only twenty-six chapters to receive the “Excellent Chapter” title this year. This is the highest award given to ACI’s various chapters depending on overall performance.

IC-ACI President, Mr. Sourabh Manjrekar, noted: “The India Chapter is a very busy Chapter as it conducts an ambitious programme of greater outreach. We are making concentrated efforts to distribute consensus-based standards and technical resources, educational programs, and certifications for individuals/ organizations involved in concrete design, construction and materials who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete.”

“In this programme, we are also actively reaching out to students who will be budding concrete professionals in the years to come. Likewise, we are keeping the all-India technical media updated on our activities so that a larger audience can benefit from the latest concrete studies and technologies that we have to share. All professionals, directors, and student bodies associated with the India Chapter have actively participated in this programme. We are grateful for their voluntary service, which has yet again catapulted us to Excellent Chapter status.”

President, Mr. Sourabh Manjrekar, continued: “Our heartiest congratulations to all members and the Board of Directors of the India Chapter. It has always been our vision and endeavor to organize not just simple concrete conferences for the industry but instead organize must-attend events in the calendars of the global concrete fraternity. The India Chapter has achieved just that with the R. N. Raikar Conference series, which is a global brand in itself, regularly receiving the participation of over 50 countries. We have also successfully reached thousands of concrete professionals by adopting digital solutions. All the above and more have made this distinguished feat possible year after year.”

Each year, ACI recognizes chapters that have made significant contributions to their local communities and to ACI itself. Chapters are eligible to receive the honour based on points earned on their annual chapter report.

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