About Student Chapter

Greetings from India Chapter of ACI.

India Chapter of ACI having presently student chapters in 26 colleges / institutes / organisation in all over India.

IC-ACI has always invested in the development of young, engineering students through training and education opportunities.

Our various initiatives allow students interested in engineering careers the chance to develop important operational skills required to succeed in the industry.

In addition to learning practical aspects of the job, students also gain exposure to company culture and learn from mentors with over 10-30 years of industry experience.

A. Some of the activities that we typically look to organise/co-organise in the year are:-                

  • Concrete cube test
  • Essay competition
  • Expert talks/lectures
  • Educational tours
  • Internship programmes
  • Concrete festivals (organised by student chapter and supported by IC-ACI)
  • National workshops (organised by student chapter and supported by IC-ACI)

B. Furthermore, students get:

  • An opportunity to associate with IC-ACI as a source of information on Concrete Technology and Construction.
  • Heavy discounts for IC-ACI-organised seminars/conferences. These events typically involve professionals and decision makers from the Indian engineering fraternity and visiting foreign dignitaries.
  • Students are eligible for awards for IC-ACI-organised competitions at the hands of the ACI President  if he/she is visiting India that year.
  • Publicity of your activities supported by IC-ACI in Concrete India magazine and on www.icaci.com
  • If the activity is exceptional, then publicity can be hoped for in parent body ACI’s Concrete International magazine and website www.concrete.org.
  • ICACI will support your event by lending its name, logo, technical inputs, and visits by Chapter Board Members etc.
  • Students’ Chapter members can also participate in various student competitions of ACI International and win certificates, awards, recognitions, discounted registration to ACI Conventions in the US.
  • Students can refer IC-ACI Library by depositing of membership card.
  • The students will get the soft copies of “Concrete India” Journal through registered email.

As an “Institutional Member” of India Chapter of ACI, your college will get additional points from “NBA Accreditation”.

It will be our pleasure to assist you to establish a Students’ Chapter, of India Chapter of ACI at your college / institute / organisation and get it approved by American Concrete Institute, USA. You need to fulfill certain requirements and complete corresponding documentations. Please proceed with the attached preparatory works so that we can meet the requirements for ACI’s approval.

 We await completion of all procedural requirements at your end so that we can promptly establish the Students’ Chapter.

If you need any further information/clarification, please call us on 022-24469175/0760, we will be happy to help you.

Wish you all the best.

For India Chapter of ACI

Chapter Secretariat

Guidelines for Students Chapter

No objection letter from Dean or Principal

Petition Form

Chapter Bye laws