PSG Institute of Technology & Applied Research becomes the first Student Chapter of ICACI in Coimbatore City followings its official inauguration by President Radhika Markan.
PSG Institute joins a growing list of ICACI Student Chapters, two of which are from neighbouring district Erode – an hour away from main Coimbatore city.
Student chapters at Kongu and Nandha Engineering Colleges in district Erode are both active and vibrant in spreading the ACI message of ‘Progress through knowledge’.

The official PSG banner, which was handed over by John Conn, Director Chapter Activities ACI USA, to India Chapter Office Bearers at ACI’s Spring Convention 2019 for onward journey, was ultimately presented by President Radhika to Dr. M. I. Abdul Aleem, Head of Civil Engineering Department, PSG Institute.
Also present at the handover ceremony was Dr. P. Perumal, Prof. S. Elayaraja and Dr. M Arun

Key officials of the Student Chapter were announced at this event.

    • Student Chapter Mentor – Prof. S. Elayaraja
    • President – Mr. Sitharth Subramani. S
    • Vice President – Mr. Dinesh Kanna. M
    • Hon. Secretary – Ms. Keerthi. M
    • Treasurer – Ms. Jayashree. J

After the official courtesies, the President spent an hour interacting with students: explaining the type of concrete related activities/competitions to be initiated in the Chapter, how to involve neighbouring Student Chapters and most importantly how to benefit from the infinite world of research, reports, guidelines available on