Repairs, Retrofitting conference

International Conference on ‘Repairs, Retrofitting and Forensic Engineering of Built Structures’:

The India Chapter of ACI [IC-ACI] organized a glittering two days International Conference on Repairs, Retrofitting & Forensic Engineering of Built Structures. The function was conducted at The Lalit Hotel, Mumbai, India on 24 and 25 November 2017. The seminar aspired to introduce the participants to cutting edge technologies in the field of structural repairs, from the design, execution and material perspective. The aim was to facilitate technology transfer and networking among professionals, academia and other stakeholders in the repair industry. Mr. Khaled Walid Awad, the President of American Concrete Institute, visited India to specially attend this conference.

The seminar was successful under the guidance of Principal Convener, Mr. S. C. Dhupelia. Mr. Chetan Raikar and Mr. Pankaj Shah ably supported Mr. Dhupelia as Co-Convenors. IC-ACI Office Bearers Ms. Radhika Markan (President, IC-ACI), Ms. Ishita Manjrekar (Vice President, IC-ACI) and Mr. Sunny Surlaker (Hon. Secretary) along with IC-ACI’s Board of Direction, provided working inputs to the successful Conference.

Distinguished Chief Guest, Mr. Khaled Awad, inaugurated the seminar along with the convenors and IC-ACI’s office bearers, by lighting the ceremonial lamp.

The inaugural session was followed by the plenary session. Here stalwarts such as Mr. Khaled Awad, Mr. S.C. Dhupelia, renowned conservation architect Mr. Vikas Dilawari and Dr. S. K. Manjrekar set the tone for the deliberations to continue during the seminar. Mr. Awad introduced ACI and its upcoming ACI repair code, while Mr. Dhupelia elaborated on case studies and practicalities of repair and retrofitting projects. Arch. Vikas Dilawari talked about conservation of urban streetscape structures, citing examples of restoration projects in completed in Mumbai. Dr. Manjrekar discussed the “responsibility concept” and its application to the repair industry in India.

The interaction was interesting with the professionals and students receiving state-of-the-art information about repair concepts, techniques, design and special materials and the manufacturers and industry partners showcasing their expertise to the professionals, all in one place. The seminar was a success, with over 300 delegates comprising of builders, Government engineers, construction chemical manufacturers, construction engineers, researchers, consultants, industry veterans and Students actively participating in the deliberations.

The seminar deliberations were very successful, with most participants still present during the closing ceremony.

Glimpses of Event